UMD seniors Luca Liu (left) and Jake Gavilow (center) offer a bag of Starburst to passerby. The students set up a table near the Stamp Student Union for their class, BMGT 461.
UMD seniors Luca Liu (left), Jake Gavilow (center) and Chad Cartwright (right) attempt to get people to participate in their contest. The students were raffling off a variety of prizes that could be won through guessing the number of Starbursts in the jar.
UMD students thoughtfully eye the table BGMT461 students have set up. This activity helps build students' entrepreneurial skills.
UMD students employ fearless ideas when counting Starbursts. This student used extra Starbursts to predict the number in the jar.
UMD student employs a strategy to calculate the number of Starbursts in the jar. He stacked Starbursts to try to get a real sense of how many are in the jar.
Chad Cartwright pitches his table to people walking past the Stamp Student Union. He tries to pull in students to participate in the raffle they had set up for their entrepreneurial class.
UMD seniors Luca Liu (left), Jake Gavilow (center) and Chad Cartwright (right) advertise their table to students walking past the Stamp Student Union. The students set up their tables for their business class.
A student participates in the BMGT class' table. The group set up their table by the Stamp Student Union in order to grab the attention of many students.
UMD Event Guest Services employee Cam Risque informs the BMGT students that they cannot place tables at Stamp without a permit. The students and Risque discussed their situation.
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